Leadership skills are a multifaceted concept, encompassing the abilities and qualities that enable individuals to effectively guide and influence others towards a shared goal. It's not just about barking orders or having a title; it's about inspiring, motivating, and empowering others to achieve their best, both individually and collectively.

Key aspects of leadership

Achieving goals
Leaders guide individuals and teams towards common objectives, ensuring everyone works in a coordinated manner.
Motivation and engagement
Strong leadership fosters a positive work environment, where people feel valued, empowered, and inspired to contribute their best.
Problem-solving and decision-making
Leaders navigate challenges, make sound choices, and steer their teams through difficult situations.
Innovation and adaptation
Leaders encourage creative thinking and help adapt to changing circumstances.
Building strong teams and communities
Effective leaders foster collaboration, trust, and a sense of belonging, which leads to stronger teams and more cohesive communities.

External factors that affect the leading ability of youth